16-17/5 Final Days Of Game Project 2
This is the final blog entry I will make for this project, as the time is up and the game complete. I will now cover the last one and a half days that concluded the project. On Thursday, we knew that we had to get everything done on that very day, as we would not have the time to do any major fixes or implementations on the day after since it was then we would hold our official presentation to our teachers, high school students and several key people from the school board, some of which being potential employers. One of these implementations was to get the polished version of the level with all the rooms into the game, light baking and setting light positions and also fixing the final bugs of the AI and optimizing it as much as possible. On top of that, the designers of the team (meaning me and my co-designer) had to concentrate on rehearsing and constructing of the presentation, play-testing and just simply managing the project by making decisions on how to resolve all of our last...