30/4 Day Thirty Of Game Project 2

Today we continued with the discussion regarding a new level layout and as expected, some of us still had doubts of pursuing this idea of changing it. In the end however, it was apparent that everyone had the common notion that the game would indeed benefit a lot from this change. From an objective perspective, there are not much extra work that this entails, since most of the work for making this change possible is already made. The artists assured us that this sudden change will not hinder their work since most of them are already working collectively on the environment already, which was a relief to hear. The most of the work will instead fall on us designers and also on the artist who took over the endeavour of polishing the level up.

I spent time writing in the GDD, specifying a few things that had not been explained thoroughly yet. I also began testing out the new level layout in various angles, to find a sweet-spot that would make the experience as good as possible. Me and my co-designer spent the last hour of the day scripting for the chosen level to make sure that everything was as it should be.

My co-designer also worked on making some iterations on two of the puzzles by adding the arrow trap in them. She also let me try out the concepts and one of them is seemingly good enough to test out in the game, while the other one needs a bit more work.

We hope that this change will be for the better and not make things hard for us. But considering the spot we are in at the moment, we will definitely be able to make this a reality.

That is all I had to share for now!

See you later!

// Samuel K.


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