29/4 Day Twenty-Eight/Twenty-Nine Of Game Project 2
Last week I did not write any blog entry since I stayed overtime working on the game and honestly completely forgot about it. I spent most of that day working on both the presentation and also to re-writing the script files in order to let us play through the game for the beta presentation. Some of us also worked overtime over the weekend so that we could present our game in the best way possible. I came in on Sunday and spent a few more hours on finishing writing the script and tweaking some variables. Parallel to that, I also worked on the beta presentation, which I held today in the morning.
I was the sole presenter of the game today, where I demonstrated how far we've gotten with the game and what our plans are for the future of the project. I think it went rather well. The teachers seemed pleased, although they did have some concerns regarding various things. We definitely feel as though all of their concerns and critique are fixable with the time we got left however, so we don't worry too much about dealing with them. We were also aware of all of them even before they gave the critique.
On the afternoon today, we had a meeting about the critique we had gotten during the presentation and also the individual critique we've gotten from our respective teachers. We all seemed to be mostly on the same page regarding that. We did have some lengthy discussion regarding an iteration on the level layout, where one party claimed that it would provide a better experience while another party was concerned about starting on a new iteration this far into the project.
On one hand, it would be nice to have a better layout with a few twists and upgrades from the last iteration. On the other hand, however, the extra time it would take on doing that might prove to be too great and put us in an even harder position. In the end, we agreed that if said party can provide a sample for us to go through in the game tomorrow and provide reasonable arguments for it is worth the trouble of continuing working on, then we will change to that level plan. However, if it proves to be insufficient, we will keep the old one we did last week.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm feeling extremely beat today, and need to get some rest before tomorrow.
// Samuel K.
I was the sole presenter of the game today, where I demonstrated how far we've gotten with the game and what our plans are for the future of the project. I think it went rather well. The teachers seemed pleased, although they did have some concerns regarding various things. We definitely feel as though all of their concerns and critique are fixable with the time we got left however, so we don't worry too much about dealing with them. We were also aware of all of them even before they gave the critique.
On the afternoon today, we had a meeting about the critique we had gotten during the presentation and also the individual critique we've gotten from our respective teachers. We all seemed to be mostly on the same page regarding that. We did have some lengthy discussion regarding an iteration on the level layout, where one party claimed that it would provide a better experience while another party was concerned about starting on a new iteration this far into the project.
On one hand, it would be nice to have a better layout with a few twists and upgrades from the last iteration. On the other hand, however, the extra time it would take on doing that might prove to be too great and put us in an even harder position. In the end, we agreed that if said party can provide a sample for us to go through in the game tomorrow and provide reasonable arguments for it is worth the trouble of continuing working on, then we will change to that level plan. However, if it proves to be insufficient, we will keep the old one we did last week.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm feeling extremely beat today, and need to get some rest before tomorrow.
// Samuel K.
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