25/4 Day Twenty-Seven Of Game Project 2

Today we managed to have a serious discussion within our team about where we are heading from here, namely with what we will show in the beta presentation on Monday and also what the finished version of the game will include. We arrived at the conclusion of cutting out 4 out of 10 puzzles in order to avoid making our game feel unfinished in the end. It was a difficult decision to make but we all feel that it is necessary nonetheless. This way, we will have time to have complete focus on playtesting and polishing for the remainder of the time we have left.

On a few occasions we have fallen out a bit with one another, because of mishaps and miscommunication, but at the end of the day, we managed to shift our focus to be on the game, instead of putting blame on one another. It now feels as though we are all on friendly terms again, as we also feel a bit more relieved because of the decreased workload and scope of the game. Mishaps do happen, especially in inexperienced teams. The important thing is dealing with them and to keep moving forward.

We now have the ability to test all except two of our puzzles, which we will script and playtest tomorrow. We don't know if all of the puzzles will be working fully by Monday, but that is still our aim. There has been talking about doing some overtime tomorrow for this reason as some have shown will of doing this if the need calls for it. Hopefully, we won't need much of it, however.

Everyone is excited (albeit a bit stressed) about seeing our collaborative effort reaching its final state. Everyone is showing such unfaltering determination in seeing this to the end. So much so that I sincerely doubt that we will feel disappointed in the end.

Tomorrow we will finish the sixth week off with a final day to prepare the game for the presentation. It will definitely be hectic and messy, but we will make the best of it!

That is all I wanted to share today!

// Samuel K. 


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