24/4 Day Twenty-Six Of Game Project 2
Today was an even more hectic day, more so than any of the other days. Another 3 people sick and the sixth week is reaching its conclusion while we struggle with making everything ready for the milestone presentation on Monday, that I myself will be holding and preparing.
We have discussed a great deal about a lot of things that might become a problem to have completely ready for the presentation on Monday. Mainly about the mechanics and the controls, but also about the UI of the game. I will not get into too much details, but we now have a plan of how we will deal with these so that they will not become problems later in the project.
I spent most of the day scripting, playtesting and finding bugs in the game. Furthermore I did a bit of editing to the GDD as to make notes of all the changes that has been done to the game's mechanics and visuals and also potential fixes we will deal with in the future. Apart form myself, my co-designer also worked on scripting of the puzzles and bug-finding.
The programmers managed to solve the problem with the game-breaking bugs, which means that they are now fully playable if we just change a few things with the script. They do have some other bugs with the enemy AI that they could not resolve, but they have been promised help with that from a teacher which will help out with that.
The artists are getting a little stressed as they have been pressured by their teacher to get as much art assets available in the game as possible. This in turn puts a lot of pressure on the programmers who have to implement all of these things as well.
I asked my team that those who are willing to work a bit of overtime during the forthcoming days are welcome to do so, since that would make things a lot smoother. I was careful not demand it from anyone or chastise anyone who did not want to, though. I made it clear that it was nothing but a friendly request.
But yeah, that is all for now.
See you tomorrow!
// Samuel K.
We have discussed a great deal about a lot of things that might become a problem to have completely ready for the presentation on Monday. Mainly about the mechanics and the controls, but also about the UI of the game. I will not get into too much details, but we now have a plan of how we will deal with these so that they will not become problems later in the project.
I spent most of the day scripting, playtesting and finding bugs in the game. Furthermore I did a bit of editing to the GDD as to make notes of all the changes that has been done to the game's mechanics and visuals and also potential fixes we will deal with in the future. Apart form myself, my co-designer also worked on scripting of the puzzles and bug-finding.
The programmers managed to solve the problem with the game-breaking bugs, which means that they are now fully playable if we just change a few things with the script. They do have some other bugs with the enemy AI that they could not resolve, but they have been promised help with that from a teacher which will help out with that.
The artists are getting a little stressed as they have been pressured by their teacher to get as much art assets available in the game as possible. This in turn puts a lot of pressure on the programmers who have to implement all of these things as well.
I asked my team that those who are willing to work a bit of overtime during the forthcoming days are welcome to do so, since that would make things a lot smoother. I was careful not demand it from anyone or chastise anyone who did not want to, though. I made it clear that it was nothing but a friendly request.
But yeah, that is all for now.
See you tomorrow!
// Samuel K.
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