2/4 Day Twelve Of Game Project 2

Today was a hard working day. Partly because of our hard work and partly because of the daylight time change, which caused most of us to sleep a bit worse than usual. Thankfully, this did not seem to effect our work output.

We started out the day with a quick stand up meeting, and briefed eachother of our individual progression. We aim at having as much as possible to show our teachers on Monday next week. At least one puzzle needs to be in a fully working state in order to make a proof of concept about our game. If we keep the pace we are having now, we will be able to do this, but maybe not with fully functional enemies. That will hopefully be enough though.

The artists mostly spent the day polishing their mockup models for the characters and environments. Our animator had also made some environmental animations which we hopefully can use in the future. We also had a few who worked on finalizing the art guide and some who worked on something called a level overview, which we will use to determine how the narrative, pacing and look of the game will unfold. We designers and some of the artists will work on this over the course of the project until we have a plan that fits our game.

The programmers continued working on implementation of enemies and animations, and implemented health potions that the enemies will dropped when killed. They also fixed various bugs, most notibly the ones regarding the scripting, which we designers has started to use. All of the big mechanics that are essential for the game are now fully implemented in the game (except for enemies), which means that they only have minor mechanics left to implement. In short; this is a great milestone to reach on the programmer's side!

Meanwhile, we designers did various work concerning revising the Game Design Document, making an asset breakdown for the sounds, designing puzzles and implementing puzzles into the game using scripts provided by the programmers. I spent the whole day doing mostly the latter two of these.

At the end of the day I had learnt how the scripts worked and could quickly utilize them, but also found some serious bug which prevented me from trying out the puzzle I wanted to test out. Hopefully, I will be able to do this tomorrow without difficulty.

That is all for now!

// Samuel K. 


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