15/4 Day Twenty-One Of Game Project 2

We are now starting up with the 5th week of the project, which will also be the shortest because of the easter holidays, which will take a day from this week and also the first day of the next. We feel pretty confident that we are in a good position to finish the game without much problem now however.

We had another sprint review with the teachers first thing in the morning, so I went to school early to make sure that our example puzzle was presentable. The teachers seemed content with what we had shown them and had generally just positive feedback to give. They did have some worries with our planning however, but seemingly it was a minor one.

I spent most of the day playtesting the mechanics and found some bugs that the programmers could easily fix. The remainder of the day, I continued working on additional puzzle concepts to make sure we have a good roster of puzzles so that we can make sure to only implement the best ones. It needs some more work, but I think it might be a good contender.

My co-designer continued working on a greybox version of her puzzle, which is also finished and ready for playtesting. It still needs some minor polishing however.

The programmers started on implementing the last mechanic that will be featured in the game, which we call the "Arrow Trap". It is basically a static structure that periodically shoots out arrows that does damage to both to the player and enemies alike. They aim at getting this implemented by the end of the week, along with the enemy AI and pathfinding. If they manages to do this, our game is in a really good spot right now.

The artists managed to implement some more animations that really is starting to make the characters movements stick out. They have also been tasked to provide us with a full set of level placeholders until next week, which is a pretty heavy task. I have full confidence in them that they are able to do this however.

That is all for today!
Tomorrow I will continue with playtesting and creating new puzzle concepts.

// Samuel K.


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