1/4 Day Eleven Of Game Project 2
We are now starting on our third consecutive week on this game project on PSQ and all of us seem to be in high spirits already at the start of the day, were some even pulled some traditional pranks, celebrating the start of spring.
We were the second group to present our progress with the game to the teachers. All in all, their criticism felt mostly positive with a few concerns regarding design decisions and planning, but also also sound and fair. We did get some rather harsh critique regarding the design of the game and we are now aware of it and will be careful about it and playtest early to make sure that it works as intended, as only testing will show us if this concern is something we will have to work around or simply can just embrace.
Our sound designers joined us once again early in the morning and got to hear the critique we got from our teachers and also inquired about the game from us and the artistic team, as they are the ones who are handling the narrative and general feeling and theme of the game. They seem to be really excited for our project and already had a few ideas regarding sounds and music.
After having a quick stand up, everyone seemed to be up to date of what tasks needed to be done today, as there was no confusion about it. The artists continued concepting as usual, but also started to create a level overview to highlight the narrative experience the player will go through as they traverse through the level.
In the meanwhile, the programmers fixed some simple bugs, which we discovered during the presentation, and also continued with the implementation of enemies, damage and also different kinds of buttons.
I personally worked on getting a greyboxed version of a puzzle working, using the script provided by the programmers, while my co-designer worked with revising the GDD and paper-concepting more puzzles.
It was all in all a productive day, as we are really starting to see that the game is getting together and is starting to work. Our goal for this week is to test out the mechanics and puzzles of the game to make sure that everything works as intended. We want to be able to show a full game loop and at least one functional puzzle at the beginning of next week to show our teachers. As most of our mechanics are already present, this should not present a problem. The enemy will probably not going to get fully implemented until next week however and this might present a problem for us, should difficulties arise. We know that we have the tools to implement a functional puzzle without enemies a at the end of this week though. Hopefully, this will be enough fo our teachers for the time being.
Here is the greybox mockup of a puzzle I made in Maya today, which I will keep working on tomorrow.
That is all for now folks! Have a good one!
// Samuel K.
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