12/4 Day Twenty Of Game Project 2

Today was the last day of the fourth week of the project. Despite mishaps with the new computers, we have made notable progress with the game.

The programmers have managed to implement shaders, smooth out the movement of avatar movement and has even made sure that enemies are able to move towards the player. In other words, the programmers are on schedule, and we have therefore talked about implementing an additional mechanic.

The artists has also started to make decent progress with their work as they have finally went through to the production phase. They have also made up a elaborated plan on what they will be working on the upcoming weeks. They have also promised that they will have better placeholder material for us designers to use at the start of next week. Which is all great!

I once again scanned through the GDD and worked on it until lunch. In the afternoon I worked on making sure that the room system was working correctly, and that there would be no problem in having the whole level implemented in the game.

In the meanwhile, my co-designer worked on setting up a puzzle room in the game and learned how the scripting worked. She was not able to finish the puzzle, but she will hopefully be able to finish it at the start of next week.

On Monday, we will bring up some concerns and thoughts about where we will go from here with the project on our Sprint Review with the teachers. They will undoubteldy have some further feedback to give us regarding it.

Until then, I will recharge my energy throughout the weekend.

// Samuel K.


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