11/4 Day Nineteen Of Game Project 2

Thursday. We only have one day left of working until our next meeting with the teachers. Our plan was somewhat altered because of the technical difficulties we had, so they will probably oversee that we did not get as much done this week as we would have wanted.

I spent some hours on making more puzzle concepts, since, even though we have enough, we want to have some puzzles to choose from so we can pick out the best ones. I worked out one puzzle, and another one I have to iterate more upon before we can use it. I spent the rest of the day revising the GDD. At the end of the day, I also had time to show my co-designer how scripting and how importing levels into the game engine works.

The programmers now have made so that the enemies move towards the player's position, and also made the movement of the player character a bit smoother.

The artists had an art meeting today, where they concluded on how they are going to visualize the bubble in the game. So now, instead of having a bubble encapsulating the target, it will be a spritesheet that surrounds the target instead. This will alleviate a lot of pressure for both programmers and artists as it will be very simple to implement, in contrast to an encapsulating bubble.

That is it for today!

// Samuel K.


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