28/3 Day Nine Of Game Project 2

Our programmer called in sick once again today but told us that it was nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, this means that we have had three days with one third of the practical workforce missing. This might give us problems, but hopefullly nothing we cannot handle.

Nothing new was reported at the standup meeting as everyone just continued working o the stuff they did the day before.

Before noon I made some changes to the GDD and responded to some feedback that my team had given. Then, come the afternnoon, my co-designer and I decided to swap tasks, so that she continued working on the GDD and I could concept and iterate on some puzzle ideas.

I definitely have some puzzles that could be applicable to the game, but seemingly, they do need a lot more work. We have most of the introductory puzzles done now, though. Ready for testing.

Speaking of testing, it could take a while for the programmers to supply us with the capability to script and build our own levels, considering the decreased work force. But hopefully next week, we will be able to make a lot more progress than we did this week.

Tomorrow is the last day of Week 2! Time goes fast!

// Samuel K.   


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