25/3 Day Six Of Game Project 2

We are now commencing the second week of the project and looking back, we have made great progress this past week. I do not think I am alone in the notion that week went by extraordinarily fast.

We started up the day with a stand up meeting per usual and presented to everyone what each of us intended to spend the day working on and also our progress thus far. We also informed everyone of a meeting concerning our weekly planning we would have after lunch break.

All disciplines mostly continued with the work they worked with last week, such as concepting for the artists and core mechanics and movement for the programmers. Also, since one of the programmer who was assigned to implement functionalities for a specular shader was sick last friday, he continue working with that today.

Shortly after the stand up meeting we presented our progress and planning to our teachers during a sprint review meeting where they gave us critique and thoughts about how the project was going. We prodly presented to them that our core mechanics already was partially implemented and that movement and camera worked mostly as intended. This was much more than we expected to have gotten in just one week. We also presented our plan for the upcoming weeks and recieved feedback for it.

Even though the meeting was very breif, our teachers gave us a lot of critique mainly regarding the Trello board and that it should be optimised for better planning and communication. We embraced that criticism and made sure to make it one of our top priorities to fix this week. Mostly though, they had not much else to say and seemed somewhat pleased with what they saw.

At the meeting after lunch, we discussed the critique we got from the teachers and affirmed what we would focus on doing in each discipline these upcoming weeks. After the meeting, it felt like we had all gotten a grasp of how long we have gotten and could focus on our own individual task without wondering or worrying about what all the others are doing.

This clear form of communication is essential for the success of the project I think and I genuinely feel that we are doing great in this regard with a good group dynamic. Lets hope we can keep it that way.

// Samuel K.


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