22/3 Day Five Of Game Project 2

Today was the final day of week 1 of the project and it started kind of bad since one of our programmers called in sick and stayed home for the day. But as the day went on it turned increasingly positive.

At the stand-up meeting everybody seemed to know what they were going to do today and faced no particular problem.

On the artists side, they had continued working with their concepts, which we got to know more about from the appointed art leader, who presented what they all have worked on these past few days during a meeting in the afternoon, which I will go more into detail with later on.

On the programming side, although work went a little slower because of the lack of man power, they worked hard and dilligently throughout the day and have made great progress which we can prodly present to our teachers on Monday morning.

On the designer side, I was going to work more on coming up with more concepts for puzzles, but ended up working on the GDD and discussing game mechanics with my co-designer and the lead programmer. It was pretty tough, but the GDD is starting to really take solid form now that we have specified most of the mechanics that will appear in the game and gotten a lot of feedback from the lead artist and lead programmer.

At  the end of the day, we had a meeting where the lead artist, lead programmer, me and my co-designer discussed our progress this week and planning for upcoming weeks. Overall, the progress of  the group seems to be heading along quickly and we consider ourselves lucky to have made this much progress in such a small amount of time.

Our plan for next week is for programmers to start work on the implementation of scripting for us designers and continue to work on the core mechanic. Meanwhile, the artists will keep concepting and will by next week have a concrete idea for theme and setting for our game, while we designers will work intensively with getting puzzle concepts as well as level design concepts made. 

The lead artist also urged us during the meeting to be done with the final concept of the level by week 3 or 4, as the artists will have to redo alot of the work, should the level design change in some way after that point. Even though this is a bit worrying, we will make it work out for us.

On Monday we have a lot to show our teachers, and hopefully they will be as excited for this project as we all are in this group!

That is all for now, have a wonderful day, folk!

// Samuel K.   


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