19/3 Day Two of Game Project 2
Today we had a talk with our Design teacher about the GDD we have been writing on. He told us all about the concerns he had in great detail. One of the concern he raised, which also was mentioned during the meeting with the teachers the day before, was that the combat element in the game was unnecessary and split the focus of the it while adding a lot of complexity. Another concern was the vagueness of our GDD and how poorly we had explained most points in it.
After the meeting, me and my co-designer both adressed these concerns (among others as well) and had an extensive talk about how we would handle these changes and what the next course of action would be. We assembled our team shortly after that and made it clear to them what our position was and what our plan would be from here. They showed us understanding and went along with these deicisions about the game.
Afterwards, we all knew exactly what to do. The artists continued with concepting the theme and setting, while programmers implemented the basic functions of our game, like camera and movement, while my co-designer worked on a mockup level for referencing scale, while I reworked the GDD. In my task, I feel I need a lot more time to finish, since there is a lot that needs to be revised. Hopefully though, I aim to be done before lunch tomorrow if everything goes well.
To summarise, the things that we changed about our plan of the game is the following:
- Camera, will be 45 degree yawed and pitched, similar to the camera of Diablo III
- Combat removed
- Focus on creating a linear level design, we will add branching paths if we feel that we have the time, but otherwise we will focus comepletely on just getting the game working with the level we have.
At the end of the day it felt like we had really started working with the project and that we had finally found our footing to start working on the practical parts. Even though our pipeline plan and GDD is still a bit vague, we have taken the first steps to remedy that.
That's all for now, see you next time!
// Samuel K.
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